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Does X-trodes really measure signals from my brain?

X-trodes offers three EEG montages which are capable of measuring brain activity, depending on the electrode patch location: the xtr EEG16, xtr EEG12, and xtr EXG2.

  • The xtr EEG16 is designed to monitor broad cortical activity from the frontal and temporal lobes. The montage includes four EEG electrodes on the forehead, two EOG channels for tracking eye movements, and five EEG electrodes that circle each ear. The ground is located on the bridge of the nose.
  • The xtr EEG12 is designed to enable monitoring brain activity during daily activity while keeping the face clean with the least number of electrodes. The montage includes two frontal EEG electrodes on the forehead, and four EEG electrodes that circle each ear. The ground is located on the back of the neck.
  • The xtr EXG2 is designed to be the most compact montage. The montage includes two electrodes and a ground electrode between them. For EEG use, place the patch on the forehead.

Updated on 25 Mar 2024

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