Subscription Terms

Your subscription begins as soon as your initial payment is processed. Your subscription will automatically renew at the rate stated at the time of purchase, on a recurring basis in accordance with the terms of your subscription. You authorize us to store your payment method(s) and to automatically charge your payment method(s) automatically until you cancel. 

If your primary payment method fails, you authorize us to charge any other payment method in your account. If you have not provided us with a backup payment method(s) and you fail to provide payment – or if all payment methods in your account fail – we may suspend your subscription. 

Cancellation terms

You can cancel your future recurring subscription billings at any time before your next bill date (we do not offer refunds if you have been already billed*).

*Monthly Subscribers (Student PRO License): You must confirm your cancellation prior to your next billing date if you do not want to get billed again. If you confirm your cancellation after you’ve already been billed, your subscription will not end until the following month.

*Annual Subscribers, Paid Monthly (Standard/Premium/TEAM annual, paid monthly licenses): If you decide to cancel at any time in the middle of your subscription period, you will continue to be billed on a monthly basis until your one-year contract ends, and it will not renew again.

*Annual/3/5-year Subscribers, Prepaid: If you decide to cancel at any time in the middle of your subscription period, you will continue to receive the rest of your prepaid subscription until it runs out, and it will not renew again.

Upgrade and Downgrade

Upgrading your EMOTIV subscription creates an immediate change to your license, where you can use the new features straight away. Because of this, you’re billed for the difference between the subscription plans for the remainder of the billing month on a pro-rata basis. The pro-rata amount will be calculated from the upgrade date to the end of the regular billing cycle. Once that billing cycle has ended, you will be charged the new amount for your subscription on your regular billing date.

If you decide to downgrade your subscription, your downgrade will go into effect on your subscription’s next billing date, you will then lose access to all of the subscription features and metrics included in the higher level plan. You can find a list of what’s included with each plan level in the table on the EmotivPRO.