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Separation of EmotivID for EMOTIV Application Logins and Website Account

Applies to: Users of the EMOTIV application, Users of the EMOTIV website

This article provides an important update regarding your login experience with EMOTIV.

Previously, EmotivID served as the universal login credential for both the EMOTIV website and the EMOTIV application. However, to enhance security measures and streamline user experiences, we have implemented a separation of login credentials for these platforms.

Starting now:

  1. EmotivID: Your EmotivID will be exclusively used for logging into the EMOTIV application. This unique identifier ensures a personalized and secure experience within the application environment.
  2. Email Account: Your email account credentials will now be dedicated to logging into the EMOTIV website. This login is specifically designed for managing your order history, accessing website-exclusive features, and ensuring a seamless experience when interacting with our online platform.

We believe that this separation will enhance the security of your accounts and provide a more user-friendly approach to navigating our services.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update or need assistance with the login process for either platform, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for you!

Updated on 25 Mar 2024

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