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X-trodes Support
- The LED of X-trodes device is showing a constantly blinking red light color. What should I do?
- What is the maximum range of the Bluetooth X-trodes device?
- How can I ensure good contact quality with the electrode?
- How to achieve high contact quality with EPOC Flex Gel
- How to select the Flex Cap size?
- How to quickly set up FLEX?
- Gel Solution for EPOC FLEX Gel
- How to clean EPOC FLEX Gel Sensors and Cap?
- How to clean EPOC FLEX Saline Sensors and Cap
- Quick Start Guide and User Manual
- Connecting to Service issue
- Where do I find EMOTIV Software to download?
- What is EEG Quality in the EmotivPRO?
- Does EmotivPRO automatically remove artifacts from the EEG data collected?
- How can timing markers be entered into the data stream?
- What do the values from the sensors mean?
- What Does EmotivPRO Software Include?
- How does BrainViz work?
- Is It Possible To Customize Frequency Bands In The 3D Brain Visualizer Application?
- What is an EEG Headset?
- Does EMOTIV offer EEG Headsets?
- How are EEG Headsets used for research?
- Are EMOTIV products medical devices?
- I received the hardware, how can I get access to Raw EEG data?
- What is included in the headset package?
- Can I wear EPOC+ or INSIGHT with VR headsets?
- What are the Performance Metrics Detection Suite?
- What are the detections based on? How were the algorithms created?
- Is EPOC+ or INSIGHT headset water resistant?
- What are the differences between EPOC+, Insight and Flex?
- Why do I need 9-axis inertial motion sensor?
- Why does the contact map show activity when the headset is not on my head?
- Does EMOTIV really measure signals from my brain?
- Can I use the headsets while charging?
- Is it safe to use EMOTIV products?
- Can EMOTIV headsets read Event-Related Potentials?
- What else can you say about EPOC+ or INSIGHT and paralyzed users?
- How long does the Insight battery last? How do I recharge? Can I extend the battery life?
- What Is The Emotiv Insight Extender?
- Bluetooth Pairing
- Are CMS/DRL References Positioned As Usually Around The Mastoid?
- Why Does Emotiv EPOC+ Stop At 43 Hz In Range? Is There A Way To Expand This Somehow?
- Measure When The Frequency Ratio Of Alpha To Beta
- What do X-trodes patches provide?
- What are the advantages of X-trodes' Smart Skin?
- How come the electrodes don't require conductive gel?
- Does X-trodes really measure signals from my brain?
- How does X-trodes EEG patches correspond with the 10-20 EEG system?
- Do the X-trodes electrodes come in different sizes?
- Which kinds of signals can I measure with X-trodes electrodes?
- How can I make my skin' Xtrodes electrode patch more flexible?
- How many types of Smart Skin electrodes exist?
- Can I adjust the electrodes to different body areas?
- How long do X-trodes electrodes last?
- Does the location of the ground matter? Can I choose the location?
- Have X-trodes done clinical trials?
- Are the electrodes suitable for all skin types?
- Are the electrodes suitable for children?
- Can signals be obtained from people of varying body weights?
- What type of battery is used in the X-trodes recording system?
- Is the extracted data raw or filtered?
- What is the sample rate of the Bluetooth streamed signals?
- What is the size and weight of X-trodes equipment
- Does the recording system come in additional colors?
- Can I use the X-trodes electrodes more than once?
- Xtrodes User manual and tutorial videos
- List of publications Xtrodes
- International Shipping: Duties and Taxes Policy
- How to get shipping cost estimation?
- Can my delivery address be different from my billing address?
- How long does it take to process my order?
- How can I track my order?
- Can I pick up my order directly at your warehouse?
- Can I change my shipping address after the order has already been shipped?
- Are there any additional costs that will be due upon receipt of my order?
- What is included in the headset package?
- Can I cancel my order?
- What if my order is shipped to the wrong and/or invalid address?
- Can I cancel my order after it has been placed and paid?
- Why was my PRO license suspended?
- How do I cancel my subscription?
- What happens if I upgrade or downgrade my subscription?
- What is PRO-Lite license and how can I access it?
- What happens when I cancel my PRO subscription?
- What happens after my paid PRO license expires?
- Can I upgrade from PRO-LITE to premium PRO licenses?
- My paid PRO licenses have expired and now I can’t access my recordings. What should I do?
- What is EMOTIV’s Refund Policy?
- I received the product but it’s Dead On Arrival. What do I do?
- Can I return a product for Refund?
- What should I know before returning a product?
- When can I get my refund?
- What’s the warranty for EMOTIV Products?
- Can I cancel my order after it has been placed and paid?
General Issues
- How to achieve a longer range with EMOTIV USB Receiver?
- I don’t have a Bluetooth(R) SMART (BTLE) compatible device, what do I do?
- Is there any advantage in using the Emotiv Universal USB receiver?
- Why am I seeing dropouts while using Emotiv USB Receiver with the EMOTIV headsets?
- Tips for getting good contact quality with the EMOTIV Headset
- Why do users connect the EMOTIV EPOC X via the USB receiver or Bluetooth?
- We want to embed ECG and EOG electrodoes/systems with EPOC Flex
- Can I measure Delta waves (0-4Hz) with Emotiv hardware?
- Can EPOC capture Gamma?
- Why does Emotiv EPOC+ stop at 43 Hz in range? Is there a way to expand this somehow?
- How accurate is your detection?
- How did EMOTIV build your Detection Suites?
- Do you show data from CMS/P3, DRL/P4, DRL2/M1, CMS2/M2 in EmotivPRO software?
- Why does the EEG Quality (EQ) in EmotivPRO flicker?
Mental Commands
EMOTIV offers the opportunity for the user to create and execute a number of Mental Commands.
In order to provide consistency and a simple range of possible actions, each user profile will contain space for training data for up to 15 different commands, which are internally labelled COMMAND1 to COMMAND15. Each COMMAND slot will store a LABEL (for example, PUSH, DISAPPEAR, FIRE or WIND) and a link to a custom animation which can be executed. Emotiv Insight Control Center will support animations for PUSH, PULL, LIFT, DROP, LEFT, RIGHT, ROTATE LEFT, ROTATE RIGHT, ROTATE FORWARDS, ROTATE BACKWARDS, ROTATE CLOCKWISE, ROTATE ANTICLOCKWISE, DISAPPEAR however Developers will be able to freely define their own Commands for each application.
The initial step in creating Mental Commands is to train the system to recognise your background mental state, the so-called NEUTRAL condition, by recording a brief period of your brain patterns while you are not trying to execute any Commands. Training a new Mental Command is as simple as selecting the desired Command label in Training mode, then imagining the consequences of the Command for 8 seconds (for example, imagine the target object floating up into the air for the LIFT Command) while the system records the mental patterns you want to associate with the Command.
The Command is then live and you can test and practise it. After a few repeated trials and as many training updates as you wish, your Command is ready to be used and the training data summary is stored in your user profile. Though you can start using a profile after training a Command only one time, we highly recommend you do repeat training for each Command and for your Neutral state. The more training that you do, the better the system will be able to detect the pattern of brain activity associated with your Command thought AND the better you will get at learning how to recreate that thought in your mind.
In normal use, from the list of up to 15 trained Mental Commands, the user can select 1, 2, 3 or 4 Commands to be currently active. When one of the active Commands is executed by the user, the desired outcome or animation will be triggered. This may just be moving the target object on screen, or you can link each Command to specific outputs such as keystrokes, mouse clicks, double taps and so on. You can also control the actions of game characters or even output to a remote control system to dim your lights, change the TV channel, fly your remote controlled helicopter or move the Earth (actuator not included).
Updated on 25 Mar 2024
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EmotivPRO Student (Monthly) $29.00 /
EmotivBCI $0.00 /
EPOC X - 14 Channel Wireless EEG Headset $999.00 /