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How to connect MN8 headset on Macbook M1, M2

MN8 XXXX (Data) is for collecting EEG data, whereas MN8 XXXX (Headphones) is for Audio Stream (XXXX is your headset's serial number). MN8 must be connected twice because it has two different data streams: one for audio and one for EEG data. On the Macbook Apple Chip (Mac M1, M2), connecting to the same MacOS address twice is not permitted, so we provided a nRF USB dongle that establishes a supplementary Bluetooth low energy connection.

Here's how to make the proper connection for the MN8 headset on the MacBook Apple chip:
1. On your Macbook, select the Bluetooth icon in the top bar, then Bluetooth Settings. Next to your MN8 headset, click Forget this Device to remove it from the Bluetooth pairing system.
2. Turn off the MN8 headset, then hold Power and Vol - for 5 seconds to delete the headset's pairing information.
3. Turn off the Bluetooth on your Mac.
4. Plug the nRF dongle into your Macbook's USB port.
5. Turn on the MN8 headset and launch the Contour app to connect the EEG data.
6. Once successfully paired via nRF dongle, switch on your Bluetooth, then click the Bluetooth icon in the top bar and select MN8 XXXX (Headphones) to pair audio.

Updated on 25 Mar 2024

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