EEG News and Research
Inspiration at your fingertips. Get valuable insights into EEG technology news and independent studies using EMOTIV tech.
Neuroscience aids Construction Workers
Neuroscience aids Construction Workers – Global turmoil has increased pressure on industry to adapt to dynamic work landscapes. People are...
How BCI can elevate the AR/VR experience
How BCI can elevate the AR/VR experience – Many have long dreamed of operating machines using only thought. We at...
7 Ways Remote Data Collection Betters Neuroscience Research
By 2025, there will be approximately 463 exabytes of new data created each day across the internet-a number truly unimaginable....
YEAR IN REVIEW: Top Neurotech Stories of 2021
Welcome to our version of the Best of 2021– EMOTIV’s Neurotech edition! We are celebrating the groundbreaking accomplishments, the feel-good...
How to conduct real-world neuroscience research at scale: A case study using EmotivLABS.
Dr Nikolas Williams, EMOTIV Research Scientist. When you think of neuroscience research, you likely conjure images of white-coat-clad scientists running...
Angie C on BCI-driven Sound and Her Passion for Blending Music with Neuroscience
Using just the mind to create music. It might sound a little far-fetched to a lot of people. But, that...
The Future of Work is Here NOW!
EMOTIV — The Future of Work is Here NOW. Picture this: You’re sitting at your desk, your thoughts are streaming,...
Benjamin Pothier takes EMOTIV EPOC+ to the Moon
An international team of analog astronauts spent 15 days on a remote facility offering moon mission simulations. The mission took...