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Prioritizing the wellbeing of Your Greatest Asset: Your Workforce

Prioritizing the wellbeing of Your Greatest Asset: Your Workforce

Professor Olivier Oullier, President of EMOTIV, represented EMOTIV in a high level panel discussion on wellness in the workplace organized at Fortune Magazine’s exclusive Brainstorm Health Conference. Together with Dr. Megan Jones Bell (Headspace’s Chief Science Officer), Marvelle Sullivan Berchtold (JP Morgan) and Jay Fulcher (Zenefits’ Chairman and CEO) who wrote a very thoughtful piece on prioritizing the wellness of the workforce. About one-fifth of Americans experiences mental health issues. Beyond the significant personal impact, work-related stress costs businesses $300 billion in lost annual productivity. As such, it is the responsibility of business owners and executives to understand the impact that employee well-being has on their people and on their bottom line. And to take it a step further, I believe it is the responsibility of company leaders to proactively look out for not just physical, but emotional and financial wellness for their people. I recently explored this topic at Fortune’s Brainstorm Health Conference, alongside Headspace’s Chief Science Officer Dr. Megan Jones Bell, EMOTIV’s President, Olivier Oullier, and JP Morgan’s Marvelle Sullivan Berchtold. We discussed how corporate America is making clear progress in caring for its workforce. A great example is JP Morgan, Berkshire Hathaway, and Amazon’s collaboration to launch Haven, which will streamline healthcare services for their collective employees in an effort to improve access to the highest quality care.
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