An EEG machine records the electrical activity of the brain. It contains electrodes that can detect brain activity when placed on a subject’s scalp. The electrodes record the brain wave patterns, and the EEG machine sends the data to a computer or cloud server.

Above: This EEG diagram shows a schematic of an EEG Machine
EEG Basics
What is an EEG Machine?
EEG machines—which include portable, ambulatory, neurofeedback, and biofeedback machines—are monitoring devices used for EEG recordings. EEG stands for electroencephalography, a noninvasive method of monitoring the brain’s electrical signals.
Most of these devices contain electrodes, amplifiers, filters, and an analog-to-digital converter. Wireless or portable EEG machines contain a battery, while wired EEG machines are hooked up directly to a computer.
Types of EEG
EEG is used for a variety of purposes. Our brains can tell us much about underlying symptoms and cognitive health and give real-time feedback so we can make conscious changes to improve our health.
An ambulatory EEG machine is used during an extended EEG reading. Ambulatory EEGs record for up to 72 hours, while traditional EEG tests record for 1-2 hours. They are often used to diagnose sleep disorders or seizure disorders.
EEG neurofeedback machines, also called EEG biofeedback machines, are EEG systems that allow a subject to see their brain activity in real time. During this type of EEG monitoring, the EEG machine is synced to a computer or a cloud device, and the subject’s brain waves are displayed on a computer screen.
VEEG Machines are EEG machines that include a camera in the setup. A doctor may use this combination of equipment to visually observe and record activity such as sleep, seizures, or hallucinations.
Where to Buy an EEG Machine
Whether you should use an EEG machine or an EEG headset depends on your goals. For example, wired EEG setups prevent the wearer from moving, which may be important for medical observation.
An EEG headset is best for free, contextual movement and brain activity. Because all EMOTIV neuroheadsets are wireless, they are best for research projects that allow for movement. That's why EMOTIV's EEG headsets accelerate brain research globally.
What Can an EEG Machine Detect?
EEG electrodes pick up electrical activity produced by neurons. EEG machines use an array of electrodes because the brain produces different signals from different brain regions. The number of electrodes corresponds with the number of channels an EEG machine has. The more channels, the higher the resolution of EEG data captured. A 32-channel EEG machine captures a more detailed picture of brainwave activity than an 8-channel EEG machine.
EEG signals are typically very small—around 10 microvolts or less. To make accurate measurements, the signals from the electrodes are passed to an amplifier system that stabilizes them and magnifies them to a level that can be measured accurately using common electronic components that convert them to digital signals. The amplified signals can be recorded via computer, mobile device, or cloud database.
What is the difference between EEG and an MRI? Both scan the brain but offer different information. For example, an MRI uses radio waves and strong magnets to create detailed images of the brain and other internal structures. MRIs are often used to detect structural abnormalities or damage, such as scars or lesions on the brain.
However, MRIs only provide information about structures and tissues at a single point in time, like taking a photo. An EEG is used to observe and record brainwaves in real time over extended periods.
Above: EmotivPRO software displays real-time EEG activity and connectivity on the 10-20 system.
How to Read an EEG Machine
If an EEG test is recommended for medical reasons, doctors specializing in the nervous system are responsible for reading and interpreting the results.
In the past, only doctors and researchers with the proper technical training could make sense of EEG data. Now, several software solutions pair with EEG machines to make EEG insights more readily available. Individuals, employers, or researchers can use software to visualize brain activity patterns, analyze EEG data streams, and measure cognitive performance.
This software often uses machine learning to parse through the EEG signals (machine learning EEG data). Machine learning algorithms can be trained to recognize the brain patterns that occur while the EEG subject experiences different expressions, emotions and actions.
What Does an EEG Machine Measure?
EEG machines measure changes in the electrical activity the brain produces, not thoughts or feelings. These voltage changes come from ionic current within and between neurons. EEG machines don’t send any electricity into your brain, they simply capture electrical signals that naturally occur as your brain absorbs and processes information.
Does EMOTIV offer EEG Machines?
EMOTIV is an award-winning EEG machine brand that offers for devices built for neuroscience, workplace wellness and safety, cognitive performance, neuromarketing, and brain-controlled technology applications.
Considered one of the best EEG machines on the market, the EMOTIV EPOC X headset provides professional-grade brain data for academic research and commercial use. For researchers, EMOTIV offers the EPOC FLEX Cap, a 32 channel EEG machine with high-density coverage and moveable electrodes available in either gel or saline.
EMOTIV also offers software for reading EEG machines. EmotivPro enables users to analyze EEG data, display EEG recordings in real-time and mark events. BrainViz is a real-time, 3D brain visualization software application used for research purposes.
Above: An Arduino board controls a robot arm using EMOTIV EEG. (Credit: Matt Su)
EMOTIV EEG is portable, easy-to-use, and scientifically validated against traditional EEG machines. Here's How to Build a BCI Project with EMOTIV EEG Headsets.